
But this is what I’m finding, in glimpses and flashes: this is it. This is it, in the best possible way.
That thing I’m waiting for, for that adventure, that movie-score-worthy experience unfolding
gracefully. This is it. Normal, daily life ticking by on our streets and sidewalks, in our houses and
apartments, in our beds and at our dinner tables, in our dreams and prayers and fights and
secrets - this pedestrian life is the most precious thing any of us will ever experience.

Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life, 2010

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Backyard hammock
Shelt’ring tree
Summer evening
You with Me.
Your dark head
against my blonde
Arm around me
Chatting on.

There’s our bare feet
There’s your grin
There you made me
laugh again.
Swinging slowly
in the breeze
Rolling shush
of poplar leaves.

Laughter, Closeness,
Calm and Trust
sprinkle down
like pixie dust.
Happiest place
I’ll ever be --
Backyard hammock
You with Me.

Copyright © 2015, Danette Christensen, Light is All Around Me.
Material may be shared or printed for non-commercial use, but must include this copyright notice.

Monday, March 23, 2015

He's My Son

(A Follow-Up to "I Am The Someone")

He’s my son
And he’s one
And he’s sweet
And he’s fun

Except when I was shopping today for a new lamp (since he knocked over the old one last week) and he screamed in the cart for pretzels & books & Cheerios & a drink and he threw his cup on the hard floor so there was a big puddle and while he cried “Uh-Oh!” over and over I had to stand there and say, “Watch out; my son spilled his water” until an employee came and set an orange cone there and mopped it up.  And I looked at that yelling creature in the cart and thought, “Is that my son?”

Later, in the car, I looked in his eyes – blue, with really long lashes.  Yep.  It was the same boy who was cute just an hour ago.  And I thought…

Hey, It’s okay
That you’re not fun today.
Sometimes I’m that way.
You’re my son.

Copyright © 2015, Danette Christensen, Light is All Around Me.
Material may be shared or printed for non-commercial use, but must include this copyright notice.

I Am The Someone

He’s just a year old                                        
and in need of someone                                  
to get him some oatmeal                                  
when hunger comes on,                                  
To button his shirt up,                                      
To put on his shoe,                                            
To say “There you are!”                                  
When he plays peek-a-boo.                            
To put arms around him                                  
When he feels afraid,                                        
To place the last block                                      
On the tower he’s made.                                  
He needs help at night                                      
When he’s coughing a lot.                                
Though he doesn’t know                                  
of the syrup we’ve got                                         
in the cupboard,  I do.
One teaspoon he needs.
I give it; I rock him;
He settles and sleeps.
It's me.  I'm the someone
Who gets to be there.
The stories, the snuggles,
The jam in his hair.
The chocolate-y face,
The apple-cheek grin,
The bubbling laughter,
His kiss on my chin.
The wide-eyed expressions,
His head on my shoulder,
The morning he wakes
looking just a bit older.
I know I could "do more"
or "earn more" elsewhere,
But I...I'm the Someone
Who gets to be there.

Copyright © 2015, Danette Christensen, Light is All Around Me.
Material may be shared or printed for non-commercial use, but must include this copyright notice.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Posted on the Dishwasher

(A practical poem)

Everybody's got to eat.
Veggies, milk, and bread & meat...
And everyone needs bowls & things, 
And then you've got to get them clean.
Load it! Run it!  Unload too!
No one has to tell you to.
Do your part and life is sweet
Everybody's got to eat.

Copyright © 2015, Danette Christensen, Light is All Around Me.
Material may be shared or printed for non-commercial use, but must include this copyright notice.